Maintenance Instructions
Page 92 Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 6: Maintenance Instructions
Open venlation screw at the thermostat
Fill in cooling water into the cooling water
expansion tank. If it is to be recognized
that the cooling water level does not fall
anymore, close the filler-cap and the ven-
tilation screws and start the generator.
Run the generator for max. 60 seconds.
Stop the generator.
Fig. 6.5-3: Ventilation screw - thermostat housing
Now the cooling water is only filled over the external expansion tank. This is connected by 2
hoses with the genset.
The external expansion tank should be filled in the cold condition only up to maximally
20%. It is very important that a large extension space over the cooling water level remains.
Repeat this procedure several times.
If no change of the cooling water level can be determined, the generator is started for 5 minutes.
Afterwards repeat the ventilation two - three times.
It is meaningful to repeat the ventilation procedure also after some days again to guarantee that
in the system remained bubbles are removed.
The ventilation screw over the housing of
the cooling water pump may be opened
under no circumstances, while the gener-
ator runs. If this happens inadvertently,
through the opening air is sucked in. A
very complex ventilation of the entire sys-
tem is necessary thereafter.
Fig. 6.5-4: Ventilation screw - water pump
6.5.1 Draining the coolant
In principle only describes here, how the cooling water of the raw water cycle can be drained. The
mixture of the fresh water circuit should not be drained in principle. See measures for the prepa-
ration of the winter storage.
The simplest and cleanest method consists of the fact to bring the external vent valve below the
generator level and hold over a collecting basin. Open the valve now, the water from the raw
water circuit flows downward into the container.