Silver Locomotive decoder
The DIGITAL plus SILVER locomotive decoder is suitable for all DC locomotives with continuous
current draw of 1.0 Amp. or less. The characteristics of the decoder are:
Super smooth and silent high frequency back-emf motor control.
Asymmetrical DCC support including directional stopping
Adjustable precision stopping control
Low speed gear for switching operations
Selectable for operation with 14/27, or 28/128 speed steps.
Operation on conventional DC layouts is possible or can be disabled.
Motor output = 1A continuous, 1.8A max, > 5 A stall.
Motor and function outputs protected
Four function outputs rated at 100mA each with advanced function mapping
Directional or independent lighting with dimming and special effects.
Support for Advanced Consist Control and Extended Addressing
Support for programming on the mainline (operations mode programming)
Support for all form of programming as described in NMRA RP-9.2.3
Supports service mode decoder lock
Size: L 0.91" x W 0.66"x H 0.12" L 23mm x W 16.6mm x H 2.9mm
Silver Silent-Back EMF
DCC Decoder
Art. No.
November 2006