IRIG-B.Control Signal6
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal7
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal8
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal9
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal10
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal11
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal12
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal13
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal14
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal15
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal16
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal17
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
IRIG-B.Control Signal18
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal
SNTP.SNTP active
Signal: If there is no valid SNTP signal for 120 sec, SNTP is regarded as inactive.
Statistics.ResFc all
Signal: Resetting of all Statistic values (Current Demand, Power Demand, Min, Max)
Statistics.ResFc I Demand
Signal: Resetting of Statistics - Current Demand (avg, peak avg)
Statistics.ResFc P Demand
Signal: Resetting of Statistics - Power Demand (avg, peak avg)
Statistics.ResFc Max
Signal: Resetting of all Maximum values
Statistics.ResFc Min
Signal: Resetting of all Minimum values
Statistics.StartFc I Demand-I
State of the module input: Start of Statistics of the Current Demand (Update the displayed Demand )
Statistics.StartFc P Demand-I
State of the module input: Start of Statistics of the Active Power Demand
Logic.LE1.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE1.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE1.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE1.Gate In1-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE1.Gate In2-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE1.Gate In3-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE1.Gate In4-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE1.Reset Latch-I
State of the module input: Reset Signal for the Latching
Logic.LE2.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE2.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE2.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE2.Gate In1-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE2.Gate In2-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal
Logic.LE2.Gate In3-I
State of the module input: Assignment of the Input Signal