Modbus TCP
Establishing a connection via TCP/IP to the device is only possible if the device
is equipped with an Ethernet Interface (RJ45).
Contact your IT administrator in order to establish the network connection.
Part 1: Setting the TCP/IP Parameters
Call up
»Device parameter/TCP/IP« at the HMI (panel) and set the following parameters:
TCP/IP address;
Subnetmask; and
Part 2: Configuration of the Devices
Call up
»Device parameter/Modbus« and set the following communication parameters.
Setting a unit identifier is only necessary if a TCP network should be coupled to a RTU network.
If a different port than the default port 502 should be used, please proceed as follows:
Choose “Private” within the TCP-Port-Configuration.
Set the port number.
Set the maximum acceptable time out for “no communication”. If this time has expired without any
communication, the device concludes a failure has occurred within the master system.
Allow or disallow the blocking of SCADA commands.
Part 3: Hardware Connection
There is a RJ45 interface at the rear side of the device for the hardware connection to the control system.
Establish the connection to the device by means of a proper Ethernet cable.