Logic.LE76.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE76.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE77.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE77.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE77.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE78.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE78.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE78.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE79.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE79.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE79.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Logic.LE80.Gate Out
Signal: Output of the logic gate
Logic.LE80.Timer Out
Signal: Timer Output
Signal: Latched Output (Q)
Logic.LE80.Out inverted
Signal: Negated Latched Output (Q NOT)
Sys.Maint Mode Active
Signal: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Active
Sys.Maint Mode Comm
Signal: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Comm Mode
Sys.Maint Mode DI
Signal: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Digital Input Mode
Sys.Maint Mode Inactive
Signal: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Inactive
Sys.MaintMode Manually
Signal: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Manual Mode
Sys.Maint Mode-I
Module Input State: Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch
Sys.Min. 1 param changed
Signal: At least one parameter has been changed
Sys.PS 1
Signal: Parameter Set 1
Sys.PS 2
Signal: Parameter Set 2
Sys.PS 3
Signal: Parameter Set 3
Sys.PS 4
Signal: Parameter Set 4
State of the module input, respectively of the signal, that should activate this Parameter Setting Group.
State of the module input, respectively of the signal, that should activate this Parameter Setting Group.
State of the module input, respectively of the signal, that should activate this Parameter Setting Group.
State of the module input, respectively of the signal, that should activate this Parameter Setting Group.
Sys.PSS manual
Signal: Manual switch over of a Parameter Set
Sys.PSS via Comm
Signal: Parameter Set Switch via Communication
Sys.PSS via Inp fct
Signal: Parameter Set Switch via Input Function