QV Protection Trip Direction
Load Flow Arrow System = Consumed active and reactive are counted positive (greater than zero)
Generator Flow Arrow System = produced power is to be counted positive (greater than zero)
By means of the parameter power trip dir positve/negative a sign reversal can be applied to the reactive power within
the QV-Protection module. Protective devices that use the load flow arrow (like the EDR-5000 or the ETR-5000) are to
be set to »
Power Trip dir= positive«. Protective devices that are working on the base of the generator flow arrow system
(like the EGR-5000) are to be set to »
Power Trip dir= negative«. By means of that generator protection relays like the
EGR-5000 can be set to the load flow arrow system internal within the QV-Protection (only). That means that outside of
the QV-Protection no other power measurement or power protection is effected.