Relay Output Configuration
The State of the Relay Outputs can be checked within menu:
[Operations/Status Display/Name of the assembly group (e.g. RO-XX)]
The Relay Outputs can be configured within menu:
[Device Para/Relay Outputs/Name of the assembly group (e.g. RO-XX)]
Set the following parameters for each of the relay output contacts.
Up to seven (7) signals from the »assignment list« (OR-connected).
The states of the module outputs and the signals (e.g. states of protective functions) can be assigned to the relay
output contacts. The relay output contacts are “dry-type“ contacts.
Each of the assigned signals can be inverted.
By the Operating Mode it can be determined whether the relay output works in
Normally »De-Energized« or »Normally
Energized« principle.
Each relay output contact can be set as
»Latched« (Latched = active or inactive).
A latched relay output contact will
return to it's latched position after a loss of power to the protective device. A latched relay output contact will keep it´s
position as long as it has not been reset and as long as the power supply feeds the protective relay. In the case of a
loss of power to the protective device, the relays will return to the latched position once the power is restored to the
protective device (latched = relay output contacts have a memory). A latched state of a relay output contact always
needs to be reset after a power loss even if the assignments are taken away (if the assignments are reprogrammed).
Latched = inactive«:
If the latching function is
»inactive«, the relay output and, respectively, the relay output contact will adopt the state of
s that were assigned.
»Latched = active«:
If the latching function is
»active«, the state of the relay output and, respectively, the relay output contact that was set
by the
s will be stored (they have a memory that needs to be reset).
The relay output contact can only be acknowledged after reset of those signals that had
setting of the relay and after expiration of the »
t-OFF delay«.
At signal changes, the minimal latching time (
»t-OFF delay«) ensures that the relay will be maintained as picked-up or
released for at least this period.