Setting up the Connection PC - Device
Set up a Connection via a Serial Interface
After installation of the software, the »Connection PC/Notebook to the Device« has to be initially configured so that the
User is able to read device data or re-write them into the device by means of the
PowerPort-E application.
To connect the device to the User's PC/notebook, a special null modem cable
is needed (no serial cable!- -please refer to the section »Null Modem Cable«).
If the PC/notebook does not have a serial interface, the User will need a special
If the
USB-to-serial-adapter is correctly installed,
communication with the device can be established using the CD provided (see
the next section).
Setting Up/Configuring the Connection
Connect your PC/notebook with the device via a null modem cable.
Start the
PowerPort-E application
Select the menu point »Device Connection« in the »Settings« menu.
Click on »Serial Connection«.
Select the serial interface (COM-Port) where the device shall be connected to.
Confirm the adjustments by clicking the »OK« button.
If the interface is chosen for the first time, a popup window will appear “The selected connection is currently
not installed. Should this connection be used for device communication? “. Confirm this by pressing the
“Yes” button.