Cascading Logical Outputs
The device will evaluate output states of the logic equations starting from “Logic Equation 1” up to the logic equation
with the highest number. This evaluation cycle will be continuously repeated.
Cascading Logic Equations in an ascending sequence.
Cascading in an ascending sequence means that the User utilizes the output signal of “Logic Equation n” as input of
“Logic Equation n+1”. If the state of “Logic Equation n” changes, the state of the output of “Logic Equation n+1” will be
updated within the same cycle.
Cascading Logic Equations in a descending sequence.
Cascading in a descending sequence means that the User utilizes the output signal of “Logic Equation n+1” as input of
“Logic Equation n”. If the output of “Logic Equation n+1” changes, this change of the feed back signal at the input of
“Logic Equation n” will be delayed for one cycle.