Converting Parameter Files Via PowerPort-E
Parameter files of the same type can be converted. During this process, the new parameter file will keep all active
settings from the source parameter file and, at the same time, remove all inactive settings. As many parameters as
possible will be converted.
Parameters that are newly added will be set to default.
Parameters that are not included in the target file version will be deleted.
In order to convert a parameter file please proceed as follows.
is not in operation, please start the application.
Open a parameter file or load the parameters from a device that should be converted.
Make a backup of this file in a fail-safe place.
Choose »Save as« from the »File« menu.
Enter a new file name (in order to prevent overwriting the original file).
Choose the new file type from drop down menu »File Type«.
Confirm the security check by clicking on »Yes« only if the User is sure that the file conversion should be
In tabular form the modifications will be shown as follows.
Added parameter:
Deleted parameter: