Signal: Examination Time: If the Breaker remains after a reclosure attempt (shot) for the duration of this timer
in the Closed position, the AR has been successful and the AR module returns into the ready state.
Signal: Auto Reclosure is locked out
AR.t-Reset Lockout
Signal: Delay Timer for resetting the AR lockout. The reset of the AR lockout state will be delayed for this time
after the reset signal (e.g digital input or Scada) has been detected .
Signal: Auto Reclosure is blocked
AR.t-Blo Reset
Signal: Delay Timer for resetting the AR blocking. The release (de-blocking) of the AR will be delayed for this
time, if there is no blocking signal anymore.
Signal: Auto Reclosing successful
Signal: Auto Reclosing Failure
AR.t-AR Supervision
Signal: AR Supervision
AR.Pre Shot
Pre Shot Control
AR.Shot 1
Shot Control
AR.Shot 2
Shot Control
AR.Shot 3
Shot Control
AR.Shot 4
Shot Control
AR.Shot 5
Shot Control
AR.Shot 6
Shot Control
AR.Service Alarm 1
Signal: AR - Service Alarm 1, too many switching operations
AR.Service Alarm 2
Signal: AR - Service Alarm 2, too many switching operations
AR.Max Shots / h exceeded
Signal: The maximum allowed number of shots per hour has been exceeded.
AR.Res Statistics Cr
Signal: Reset all statistic AR counters: Total number of AR, successful and unsuccessful no of AR.
AR.Res Service Cr
Signal: Reset the Service Counters for pickup and blocking
AR.Reset Lockout
Signal: The AR Lockout has been reset via the panel.
AR.Res Max Shots / h
Signal: The Counter for the maximum allowed shots per hour has been reset.
Module Input State: External Blocking1
Module Input State: External Blocking2
AR.Ex Shot Inc-I
Module input state: The AR Shot counter will be incremented by this external Signal. This can be used for
Zone Coordination (of upstream Auto Reclosure devices). Note: This parameter enables the functionallity
only. The assignment has to be set within the global parameters.
AR.Ex Lock-I
Module input state: External AR lockout.
AR.DI Reset Ex Lock-I
Module input state: Resetting the lockout state of the AR (if the resetting via digital inputs has been selected).
AR.Comm Reset Ex Lock-I
Module input state: Resetting the Lockout State of the AR by Communication.
AR. 1
Abort the AR-cycle, if the state of the assigned signal is true. If the state of this function is true the AR will be
AR. 2
Abort the AR-cycle, if the state of the assigned signal is true. If the state of this function is true the AR will be
AR. 3
Abort the AR-cycle, if the state of the assigned signal is true. If the state of this function is true the AR will be