Voltage Supply
Aux. Voltage:
24 - 270 Vdc / 48 - 230 Vac (-20/+10%)
Buffer Time in Case of Supply Failure:
>= 50 ms at minimal aux. voltage
Interrupted communication is permitted.
Max. Permissible Making Current:
18 A peak value for
0.25 ms
12 A peak value for
1 ms
The voltage supply must be protected by a fuse of:
2,5 A time-lag miniature fuse 5 x 20 mm (approx. 0.2 x 0.8 in.) according to IEC 60127
3,5 A time-lag miniature fuse 6,3 x 32 mm (approx. 0.25 x 1.25 in.) according to UL 248-14
Power Consumption
Power Supply Range:
Power consumption
in Idle Mode
Max. Power Consumption
24 - 270 Vdc:
Approx. 8 W
Approx.13 W
48 - 230 Vac
(For Frequencies of 50-60 Hz):
Approx. 8 W / 16 VA
Approx.13 W / 21 VA