Instructional Literature
Effective: May 2008
Instructions for the FP-6000 Protective Relay
For more information visit:
4.2 Display
4.2.1 Description
The display is a 4-line by 20-character vacuum fluorescent
display. The first line of all display screens is reserved for the
screen title. When the FP-6000 is first powered, the display lights
should display the system 3-phase currents and voltages. This is
called the default display screen, which is shown below.
Pushing the Reset pushbutton will default to the following screen.
Display 1. Default Display Screen.
For all other display screens, the first column is reserved for the
line pointer/selector. All display screen data fits within the
allocated 3 lines by 20 columns.
4.2.2 Display Sleep Mode
When the unit sits idle for 15 minutes without any pushbuttons
activated, the display goes into a “Sleep Mode,” in which the
screen goes blank. During this time, the unit is still in normal
operating mode protecting and monitoring the system. Every 5
minutes thereafter, the message FP-6000
“Feeder Relay Push
Any Button To Activate Display”
appears on the display for
30 seconds. This is a reminder of how to reenergize the display to
the Default Display screen. When in this mode, the pushbuttons
will only activate the display, not the function of the pushbutton.
The pushbutton must be pushed again, once the unit shows the
Default Display screen, to do its pushbutton function.
4.2.3 Self Check Failure
Upon initialization, the FP-6000 performs a series of hardware
and software checks to ensure proper operation of the protective
relay unit. These checks cover issues such as programming,
memory and calibration of the unit. If a failure is detected then
the FP-6000 operational LED will be out and the FP-6000 will
display a warning or failure message. Table 57 “Self Test Displays
and Status Flag” covers this topic.
4.2.4 FP-6000 Other Warning or Transient Messages
The FP-6000 has certain modes of operation and actions that may
result in warning or error message. Table 6 and Table 58 list
messages that may be encountered while programming. For
example, if you try to close the breaker that is already closed, the
FP-6000 will display “Error – Breaker Closed.”
Table 6. Transient Display Messages.
IA = <rms value>
IB = <rms value>
IC = <rms value>
VA or VAB = <rms value>
VB or VBC = <rms value>
VC or VCA = <rms value>
Functions Programmed to Default. (They can be
viewed only. See System Config.)
Flashing a few seconds in the setting-edit mode
When entering PLC, Cin, and Cout in the setting-edit mode if
they are disabled
Fault Test is Off!
5 seconds in Test mode
When stopping fault simulation if the test was complete
Zone Interlock Output is On
5 seconds in Test mode
When turning the Zone Interlock output on if it is on
Zone Interlock Output Is Off
5 seconds in Test mode
When turning the Zone Interlock output off if it is off