Unwanted signal disturbances over a
communication line, such as variation in
voltage or current, that can affect the integrity
of data transmitted over the line or cause the
loss of connection.
Normal operation
A standard asynchronous connection that does
not use error correction, established with any
V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.23, V.22bis, V.22,
V.21, Bell 212A, or Bell 103 modem.
Off hook
The condition that is similar to picking up a
telephone receiver. The modem goes off hook
to dial or answer and remains off hook while
On hook
The condition that is similar to hanging up a
telephone receiver. You cannot enter the
connect state when the modem is on hook.
Connected to a remote system.
Optimized Data Phase
Redesign of the MNP protocol header, which
reduces the number of overhead bytes per data
Originate modem
The modem that emits carrier in response to
answer tone from a remote answer modem.
A method of error-checking by which an extra
bit is added to every character. The value of the
bit is set so that the sum of the data bits and the
parity bit is always either even (for even parity)
or odd (for odd parity). For example, if parity
is set to even, and a character is received with
a sum that is odd, the computer knows that an
error has occurred.
A set of rules or parameters for communicating
between two computers.
Postal Telephone Telegraph
A local government’s organization that
governs internal and international
Pulse dialing
Telephone dialing accomplished by sending a
series of pulses, which sound like loud clicks.