AT Commands
F-28 AT Commands
n Bps Rate Adjust
Disables the bps rate adjustment feature.
Enables the bps rate adjustment feature.
After establishing a connection with \J1 set, the modem automatically adjusts its serial
port speed to match the connection’s speed until that connection terminates. If your
computer does not automatically change to the adjusted bps rate, you must manually
change the bps rate to the new setting. When \J0 is set, the serial port rate is
independent of the rate of the connection.
When the modem establishes a reliable connection at speeds between 4800 and 14400
bps with bps rate adjustment enabled, the serial port speed adjusts to 9600 bps. If the
connection speed is above 14400 bps, the serial port adjusts to 19200 bps. If you set
the serial port to the modem’s highest rate of 115200 bps, turn off bps rate adjustment
to make sure that the serial port stays at 115200 bps.
Refer to the %F command description for information about using the \J command
during V.23 connections.
See the %Un command for information about resetting the serial port bps rate.
When \J1\C0\N3 are set, the modem uses direct mode instead of normal mode if
a reliable connection is not established.
We recommend turning off bps rate adjust (\J0) when you use data compression to
retain the highest throughput.
n Disable Switch Banks
Enables all configuration switch banks.
Disables switches.