Check the power cord.
Use the cord on another piece of equipment (such as a terminal). If the
electrical device does not work, the cord is defective. Replace the power
cord, and reboot the system.
If the power cord works, there is a problem with your
DEC MicroServer. Contact Digital service representative.
Check the DEC MicroServer.
If the fans do not turn (but the power indicator lights), there is a problem
with the DEC MicroServer. Contact Digital service representative.
If the power indicator does not light (but the fans turn), the power indicator
might be faulty. Try to boot the system. Even if the system works, you
should contact Customer Service to replace the unit as soon as possible.
If the system does not boot, there is a problem with the
DEC MicroServer. Contact Digital service representative for a replacement.
1–6 Solving DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport Problems