Initialization Problem 6
The Gateway-ST boots, but the line counters indicate less than normal or no
Enter the following SNANCP command to show line status:
If the SHOW command indicates that the line was not defined, go to step
2. If the line has been defined, go to step 3.
It might take several minutes after booting for the Gateway-ST to
correctly initialize. An event message indicates when the initialization
is complete.
Verify that you executed Part 2 of the SNACST$CONFIGURE procedure
and that the following file was created:
Review the contents of the above file, and check the SET LINE command
in the file for the line state.
Ensure that the NRZI setting of the ACF/NCP LINE macro matches
the SIGNALLING setting on the Gateway-ST node.
Check that the value set for the PU address (ADDR=) is the same as
the value specified for the SDLC station address on the Gateway-ST
node. Use ADDR= in ACF/NCP or ADDR= on VTAM switched node
definitions for this value.
Verify that the SSCP ID (for all lines) and the STATION ID (for dial-up
lines only) used to activate your PU matches the values specified in the
SNA configuration file.
See Hardware Problem 6, Section 1.1. For information about the correct
syntax of the SNANCP SET LINE command, see the
DECnet SNA Gateway-CT and ST Management book.
Check for SNAEVL event messages that indicate a problem with the
configuration file.
Solving DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport Problems 1–27