Table 2–1 (Cont.) Faults Indicated by Loopback Testing
Test that failed
What to do
Local modem
Call the modem’s supplier to service the unit, or replace
the modem.
Remote modem
Either the remote modem or the intervening communica-
tions link is faulty. To isolate the problem, ask the remote
site to test the modem. If the modem is working properly,
contact the provider of the communications link to report
the error. If the modem is not working, ask the remote
site to correct the fault on their modem.
If all the tests complete successfully and you still have trouble on the link,
check the DEC MicroServer’s configuration (including data speeds). Also,
allow for intermittent faults by repeating the tests two or more times. Some
conditions (such as electrical storms) may cause errors even though all the
equipment is working properly. Repeat the test sequence at a later time to
check that the error is not caused by temporary conditions. You might have to
do this more than once to locate the source of an intermittent problem.
Using Loopback Tests 2–17