D.7 Reloading the System
Use the remote console command BOOT to reload the system. The BOOT
command instructs the system to initiate the following actions:
Execute the internal test to check the major components in the DEC
Issue a load request on the Ethernet.
Accept the image from the load host.
Read any configuration information from the load host.
Start operation.
If you need a record of the system’s current state, use the DUMP
command before using BOOT.
D.8 Dumping the Contents of Memory
Occasionally, you might need to dump the contents of the system. Although
you would usually use the DEC MicroServer’s DUMP switch to perform a
system dump, you can also use the remote console command DUMP.
The DUMP command causes the DEC MicroServer to:
Send a dump request on the Ethernet and wait for a host node to reply.
Send the contents of memory (including the internal error log) to the host
node that answers the request.
Run its internal test and reboot when the dump is complete.
D.9 Console Password
Several of the remote console commands can greatly affect the operation of the
DEC MicroServer (for example, BOOT and DUMP). To help prevent misuse of
these commands, you can set up a password for the remote console facility. If
you define a password, users must specify the password in order to attach a
terminal as a remote console.
DEC MicroServer Facilities for Problem Solving D–9