Two types of traces can isolate a DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous
Transport problem:
Gateway Management traces
IBM traces
Section 3.1 describes the Gateway Management traces and Section 3.2
describes the IBM traces. Each section lists documents that provide
additional information about a particular type of trace.
3.1 Gateway Management Traces
The gateway management software provides a protocol trace utility called
SNATRACE (for Phase IV), and Netrace (for Phase V). This utility shows
the SNA protocol exchange between a Gateway-ST node and an IBM node.
You can use SNATRACE (or Netrace) to isolate problems associated with the
Gateway-ST and its access routines. For information about using SNATRACE,
refer to the
DECnet SNA Gateway-CT and ST Management book.
3.1.1 Types of Traces
You can use three types of Gateway Management traces to isolate problems in
the DECnet SNA environment.
Circuit level trace
Physical unit level trace
Session level trace
Choose the type of trace according to the type of problem you have. If you
do not know which trace level is appropriate for a problem, run a circuit
level trace (it is the lowest level trace and collects the most data).
Traces 3–1