Check the cables between the DEC MicroServer and the local modems. In
particular, check the following items:
Make sure all cables between the DEC MicroServer and the modems
are correctly connected. If you find any loose connections, reconnect the
cables, and reload the system.
Use loopback tests to check the adapter cable and the modem extension
cables. Section 2.2 describes cable loopback tests. Replace any defective
cables, and reload the system.
If you change an adapter cable, be careful not to accidentally press the
DUMP switch.
Check the DEC MicroServer synchronous ports. Hardware Problem 3
describes the steps necessary to check the synchronous ports.
Check the local and the remote modems on the lines that did not come up.
In particular, check the following items:
Make sure the modems are powered on and working properly.
Make sure the modems have passed any self-test.
Use the DEC MicroServer’s loopback tests to check the modems.
Section 2.2 describes modem loopback tests.
1–14 Solving DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport Problems