Cisco Broadband Cable Command Reference Guide
Chapter 4 Commands for the Cisco uBR10012 Router
show redundancy
Counters Display
The following example shows a typical display for the
show redundancy counters
show redundancy counters
Redundancy Facility OMs
comm link up = 1
comm link down down = 0
invalid client tx = 0
null tx by client = 0
tx failures = 0
tx msg length invalid = 0
client not rxing msgs = 0
rx peer msg routing errors = 0
null peer msg rx = 0
errored peer msg rx = 0
buffers tx = 1009
tx buffers unavailable = 0
buffers rx = 1006
buffer release errors = 0
duplicate client registers = 0
failed to register client = 0
Invalid client syncs = 0
History Display
The following example shows a typical display for the
show redundancy history
show redundancy history
00:00:00 client added: RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) seq=0
00:00:00 client added: RF_LAST_CLIENT(65000) seq=65000
00:00:00 client added: CHKPT RF(25) seq=130
00:00:01 client added: Slot RF(50) seq=530
00:00:15 client added: RFS client(5) seq=170
00:00:16 *my state = INITIALIZATION(2) *peer state = DISABLED(1)
00:00:16 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RFS client(5) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Slot RF(50) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RF_LAST_CLIENT(65000) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 *my state = NEGOTIATION(3) peer state = DISABLED(1)
00:00:16 RF_EVENT_GO_ACTIVE(512) op=0 rc=0
00:00:16 *my state = ACTIVE-FAST(9) peer state = DISABLED(1)
00:00:16 RF_STATUS_MAINTENANCE_ENABLE(403) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=0
00:00:16 RF_STATUS_MAINTENANCE_ENABLE(403) RFS client(5) op=0 rc=0
00:00:16 RF_STATUS_MAINTENANCE_ENABLE(403) Slot RF(50) op=0 rc=0
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RFS client(5) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Slot RF(50) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RF_LAST_CLIENT(65000) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 *my state = ACTIVE-DRAIN(10) peer state = DISABLED(1)
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) RFS client(5) op=0 rc=11
00:00:16 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Slot RF(50) op=0 rc=11
States Display
The following example shows a typical display for the
show redundancy states
show redundancy states