Cisco Broadband Cable Command Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Cisco CMTS Configuration Commands
cable spectrum-group hop period
cable spectrum-group hop period
To change the minimum time between frequency hops, use the
cable spectrum-group hop period
command in global configuration mode. To reset the frequency hop interval for this spectrum group to
its default value, use the
form of this command.
cable spectrum-group
hop period
no cable spectrum-group
hop period
Syntax Description
Before Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC1: 25 seconds
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC1 and later releases: 20 seconds when N+1 HCCP redundancy is not
configured, and 15 seconds when N+1 HCCP redundancy is configured on the cable interface
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
cable spectrum-group hop period
command defines the minimum amount of time that must pass
between upstream frequency hops. If ingress noise becomes excessive on a particular upstream, you can
set this time period to a smaller value, so as to allow frequency hopping to continue more rapidly until a
clear channel is found. Conversely, if the problem appears to be a transient condition, such as a defective CM
generating a large volume of errored packets, this time period can be increased to a larger value, so as to avoid
excessive frequency hopping by allowing more time between frequency hops.
Spectrum group number. Valid values are from 1 to 32, or from 1 to 40,
depending on the Cisco IOS software release.
Specifies the frequency-hop time period in seconds. Valid values are
from 1 to 3600 seconds (before Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)BC1), or
from 1 to 300 seconds (Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)BC1 or later).
12.1 T
This command was introduced.
The default
hop period
was changed from 300 seconds to 25 seconds to
accommodate the new spectrum management features for the Cisco uBR-
MC16S spectrum management card.
The maximum frequency-hop time period was changed from 3600 to 300
12.2(15)BC1 The
hop period
was changed from 25 seconds to 20 seconds when
N+1 HCCP redundancy is not configured on the cable interface, and changed
to 15 seconds when N+1 HCCP redundancy is configured.
The maximum number of spectrum groups was increased from 32 to 40
groups per router.