Cisco Broadband Cable Command Reference Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco CMTS Show Commands
show interface cable upstream
JIB counters for ifInErrors
Error counters for the upstream interface that are maintained by the
MAC controller that is onboard certain cable interface line cards
(such as the Cisco uBR-MC5X20S and Cisco uBR-MC28U/X):
us_error_frame_drop = Number of frames dropped from the
upstream’s errored frame queue because the queue was already
full with packets with various errors, such as CRC, HCS,
fragmentation, concatenation, and unrecognized frame errors.
us_crc_error = Number of packets with CRC errors that were
received on the upstream.
us_hcs_error = Number of packets with header checksum
(HCS) errors that were received on the upstream.
us_cont_collision = Number of packets that were received
with a collision detected during contention transmit
us_uncorr_cw_rcvd = Number of packets with uncorrectable
codewords that were received on the upstream.
Rng Polls
The MAC scheduler queue showing number of ranging polls.
Cont Mslots
MAC scheduler queue showing number of forced contention
request slots in MAPS.
CIR Grants
MAC scheduler queue showing number of CIR grants pending.
BE Grants
MAC scheduler queue showing number of Best-Effort grants
Grant Shpr
MAC scheduler queue showing number of grants buffered for
traffic shaping.
Reserved slot table
Number of slots that the MAC scheduler has placed in the reserved
slot table at the time that the command was made.
Req IEs
Counter of Request lEs sent in MAPS.
Req/Data lEs
Counter of Request/Data lEs sent in MAPS.
Init Mtn IEs
Counter of Initial Maintenance lEs.
Stn Mtn IES
Number of station maintenance (ranging poll) lEs.
Long Grant lEs
Number of long grant lEs.
ShortGrmg lEs
Number of short grantlEs.
Avg upstream channel utilization Average percent of the upstream channel bandwidth being used for
user (Ethernet) traffic. This does not include DOCSIS MAC-layer
Avg percent contention slots
Average percent of slots available for CMs to request bandwidth
using contention mechanisms. Also indicates the amount of unused
capacity in the network.
Avg percent initial ranging slots
Average percent of slots in the initial ranging state.
Avg percent minislots lost on
late Maps
Average percent of slots that were lost because a MAP interrupt
was too late.
Table 3-61 show interface cable upstream Field Descriptions (continued)