5. Regular Maintenance
Use the other side of the wet Clean Stick to clean the rear of the Wiper Blade. Do not wipe the White /
Color with the same Clean Stick.
Wet other two Clean Sticks and use them to remove ink or dust from the Print Head Caps.
Use one side of the Clean Stick to clean one Print Head Cap.
Do not use dry Clean Stick; it cannot clean ink or dust. It may damage the Print Head Caps. Wipe off the
dirty ink of Clean Sticks with soft cloth if it is too dirty and wet with Wash Liquid.
The Warning “Exchange Maintenance Parts” is indicated by counting the number of Head Cleaning.
Nozzle may be dried by being left uncapped. Execute Normal Head Cleaning for all Print Heads and
confirm the print quality with printing Nozzle Check Pattern after cleaning. (Refer to “2-6-3. Test
GT-3 Series