4. Solving Print Quality Problems
When White Ink retrieval is finished, the message [ Set Maintenance Cartridge ] is indicated on the
Display. Remove the White Ink Cartridge of W1 and insert the Maintenance Cartridge to W1 slot and
press OK Button. Confirm that the tube of the Maintenance Cartridge reaches to the bottom of the bottle.
<Note> Insert the tube to the bottom of the bottle.
[ Close Air-in Cap ] is indicated. Confirm that the Air-in Cap is capped (closed) and press OK Button. The
pump starts turning to load the Maintenance Solution.
After 30 seconds, when the peep sounds ring, the message [ Open Air-in Cap ] is indicated on the
Control Panel. Uncap (open) the air-in cap and press OK button. The air goes into the tube and washes
away the remained White Ink. It takes about 10 minutes to wash one tube.
After washing with air bubbles, when the peep sounds ring, the message [ Insert Filter Cartridge ] is
indicated on the Control Panel. Remove the Maintenance Cartridge of the W1 position and insert the
Filter Cartridge and press the OK button. The air from the Filter Cartridge flushes the bubbles inside the
With the peep sounds, the message [ Insert Maintenance Cartridge ] is indicated on the Control Panel.
Remove the Filter Cartridge of the W1 and insert the Maintenance Cartridge again and press the OK
button. Make sure that the tube from the Maintenance Cartridge can reach the bottom of the bottle with
Maintenance Solution.
GT-3 Series