Dataport Connector
To enable the MPU6 to be easily and securely interfaced to a Datapak, which may be
specified to back up the electronic metering and provide a downloadable machine event
store, an industry standard Dataport is fitted. This comprises of a 25-way D-type socket,
identified on the MPU6 cover, for serial transmit/receive signals and with +12V and -12V
power supplies, as shown in the image below.
The Dataport is also compatible with the RS232C standard used as a serial interface
throughout the electronics industry; this provides an easy means of connecting peripheral
devices such as printers, terminals and modems.
Barbus interface
The proprietary Barbus is a combined power bus and serial data link connected in a
daisy chain layout between the machine modules. The Barbus is connected to the MPU6
board via a red 11-way BARBUS connector.
S/P DIF Input
The S/PDIF interface (Sony Philips Digital Interface), is used to provide compressed
digital audio for the machines stereo speakers. Also it can receive external audio from
other equipment and played through the machines stereo speakers.
Power Status Indicators
The power status indicators monitor the supply rails to ensure the correct operating
voltages are present. In normal operation all LEDs should be lit, in the event that one of
the supply voltages has failed the appropriate led will not illuminate.
64 WAY Input/Output connector
The 64 way connector drives numerous peripheral devices such as the note acceptor,
ticket printer, meters, CCtalk devices and is used for receiving inputs from switches and
pushbuttons etc.