6.2 Coin mech Removal
The mech can be removed for maintenance or replacement by using the following steps.
Remove the mech by pulling the centre forwards, this will then allow access to the connectors at
the rear.
Unplug the two connectors as indicated in the image below and then lift the mech upwards out
of its bracket.
To refit the coin mech reverse steps 1
2, ensuring that the mech is refitted securely back into
6.3 SR3e Encryption Key Reset Procedure
These instructions are intended as a guide to resetting the SR3e coin mech’s encryption
key as necessary. The link (Part Number HL71868) is shown in the first image below.
1. Turn the power off to the machine and then open the machines main door.
2. Remove the SR3e mech from the retaining cradle and then disconnect the sorters 10-way
connector, leaving the Mech’s power connector
in position.
3. Connect the encryption reset lead between large 10-way sorter socket on the sorter and the
small 10-way coin mech service port as shown in the second image below, taking care to
locate the connector in the correct position with the pip at the top.
4. Power up the machine and the LED on the mech will now flash very quickly between red /
green three times and then the red LED will stay on to indicate that the encryption key has
now been reset. Now follow the instructions setting the coin mech encryption in section 6.4.