RO Inline™
Check conductivity in pressure vessel.
Start hygiene flush, go to Cursor screen, press
Wait until the pump stops again.
Open the test valve.
Let the water run for 30 sec.
Take a sample.
ESC+C.. 9/9
Check pre pressure in the vessel and check the membrane indicator.
Check that the membrane indicator is green.
- if the indicator is red, replace the pressure vessel.
Stop the the humidification system.
Close the outlet ball valve on the RO Inline™.
Disconnect the hose from water outlet.
Turn off fuse F1 and F2.
Slowly open the outlet ball valve, and empty the pressure vessel for
water, use a service hose.
Measure the pre pressure in the pressure vessel 1,5 bar.
- adjust the if needed.
Check production.
Turn on fuse F2, wait 30 sec. and turn on fuse F1.
Wait 60 sec. then messure production flow capacity.
Check if the value in the display is within the same range - adjust if needed:
- Go to the flow calibration menu, password 3112.
- Follow the instructions in section 9, Screen: ”Flow Calibration”.
Vessel Pressure
Bar 4.92
Prod. l/h 300
Drain l/h 96
Drain % 32
Check drain.
Messure drain flow.
Check if the value in the display is within the same range - adjust if needed.
- Go to the flow calibration menu, password 3112.
- Follow the instructions in section 9, Screen: ”Flow Calibration”.
Close the outlet ball valve again.
Reconnect the humidification system again.
Slowly open the outlet ball valve.
Reset both systems if they are in alarm.
Check the safety valve.
Manually activate the safety valve, until production starts.
Check if the valve is leaking after test.
- Replace if needed. Recommended 1 per year.
Green = OK
Red = replace pressure vessel