The External Sync
When Live is synced to an external MIDI device, it can accept song position pointers from
this device, syncing it not only in terms of tempo but in terms of its position in the song. If
the master jumps to a new position within the song, Live will do the same. However, if the
Control Bar's Loop switch is activated, playback will be looped, and song position pointers
will simply be wrapped into the length of the loop.
MIDI Timecode Options
Timecode options can be set up per MIDI device. Select a MIDI device from the MIDI/Sync
Preferences' MIDI Ports list to access the settings.
MIDI Timecode Frame Rate
setting is relevant only if MIDI Timecode is chosen from
the MIDI Sync Type menu. The MIDI Timecode Rate chooser selects the type of Timecode
to which Live will synchronize. All of the usual SMPTE frame rates are available. When the
Rate is set to SMPTE All, Live will auto-detect the Timecode format of incoming sync
messages and interpret the messages accordingly. Note that you can adjust the Timecode
format that is used for display in the Arrangement View: Go to the Options menu, and then
access the Time Ruler Format sub-menu.
MIDI Timecode Offset
setting is also only relevant if MIDI Timecode is chosen from
the Sync Type menu. You can specify a SMPTE time offset using this control. Live will
interpret this value as the Arrangement's start time.
Sync Delay
Sync Delay
controls, which are separately available for each MIDI device, allow you to
delay Live's internal time base against the sync signal. This can be useful in compensating
for delays incurred by the signal transmission. The Sync Delay for a speci c MIDI device
appears as you select the MIDI device from the MIDI/Sync Preferences' MIDI Ports list. To
adjust the delay, have both Live and the other sequencer play a rhythmical pattern with