button in its title bar, which will fold the Rack's mixer in or out. Likewise, any nested
chains within the Rack will also have this button. This makes it easy to get an overview of
your Rack's hierarchy
or hide it when you just want to work on your mix.
Mixing Rack Chains in
the Session View.
Chains in the Session View mixer look similar to tracks, but they have no clip slots. Their
mixing and routing controls mirror those found in the Rack's chain list, so any changes made
to these controls in either area will be re ected in the other immediately. Likewise, many
chain operations such as reordering, renaming and regrouping can be performed from either
the mixer or the chain list. Clicking in a chain's mixer title bar shows only that chain's devices
in the Track View.
As with tracks, when chains are multiselected in the Session View mixer, adjusting a mixer
parameter for one of the chains will adjust the same parameter in the other selected chains.
Note that this behavior only applies to parameters adjusted via the Session mixer and not
when adjusting the same parameters in the Rack's chain list.