Can I Use My Own Folder Structure Within a Project Folder?
You can organize your les any way you want within a Project, but you'll need to use the File
Manager to relink the les that you've moved around:
1) In Live's Browser or via your operating system, reorganize the les and folders
within your Project folder.
2) Navigate to the Project folder in the Browser and choose Manage Project via the
(PC) /
(Mac) context menu.
3) If you've changed the original location of any samples used in the Project, the
Missing Samples section of the File Manager will indicate this. Click the Locate
button to search for the samples.
4) Since you know that your samples are all in the Project folder, unfold Automatic
Search. Then enable the Search Project and Fully Rescan Folders options. Finally,
click Go to initiate the search.
5) When searching is complete, click Collect and Save at the bottom of the File
Manager to update the Project.
How Do I Export A Project to the Library and Maintain My Own
Folder Structure?
If you export a Project to the Library, Live will look in the Library to see if the folder names
there match those in your Project, and will create any missing folders as necessary. For
example, if your Project folder contains samples in Samples/My Samples, Live will look in
the Library for a Samples folder (which it will nd, because it's part of the standard Library)
and then for a My Samples sub-folder (which it will not nd, but will then create).