Map buttons will appear beneath each Macro Control dial;
Mapping Browser
will open.
The following steps will get you started mapping:
1. Enable Macro Map Mode by clicking the Map Mode button;
2. Select a device parameter for mapping by clicking it once;
3. Map the parameter by clicking on any Macro Control's Map button. The details
will be added to the Mapping Browser. By default the Macro will take its name
and units from the device parameter it is controlling.
4. Re ne the value range if desired using the Min/Max sliders in the Mapping
Browser. Inverted mappings can be created by setting the Min slider's value
greater than the Max slider's value. The current values can also be inverted by
(PC) /
(Mac) on the entry in the Mapping Browser.
5. Select another device parameter if you'd like to create more mappings, or click
on the Map Mode button once more to exit Macro Map Mode.
Note that once assigned to a Macro Control, a device parameter will appear disabled, since
it hands over all control to the Macro Control (although it can still be modulated externally,
Clip Envelopes
You can edit or delete your assignments at any time using the Mapping Browser (which only
appears when Map Mode is enabled).
If more than one parameter is assigned to a single Macro, the Macro's name will revert to its
generic name (e.g., Macro 3). The Macro's units will also change to a 0 to 127 scale, except
when all parameters possess both the same unit type and the same unit range.
Macro controls can be given custom names, colors and
info text
entries via the corresponding
commands in the Edit menu or the
(PC) /
(Mac) context menu.
Mixing With Racks
Any Instrument or Drum Rack that contains more than one chain can be viewed and mixed
alongside the tracks in the Session View's mixer. A track that contains these Racks will have