Projects and Live Sets
You can manually create a Project by clicking
(PC) /
(Mac) in the Browser and
selecting Create Project from the context menu. Usually, Live takes care of this automatically.
When you save a Live Set under a new name or in a new folder location, Live will create a
new project folder and store the Live Set there
unless you are saving the Live Set into an
existing Live Project. Let's look at an example to illustrate this process:
We have recorded some audio into a new Live Set. We now save the Live Set under the
name Tango on the Desktop. Here is the result as displayed by the Live Browser:
A Live Set and its
Recordings in a Live
Project Folder.
The project folder ( Tango Project ) contains the Live Set ( Tango.als ) and a Samples folder,
which in turn contains a Recorded folder with two samples in it. Note that the current Project
is also indicated in the title bar of Live's application window.
Next, we record another track into our Project. We save the modi ed version of the Live
Set under a new name so that we do not lose the previous version. Accepting the Save As
command's default suggestion, we store the new version of the song in the Tango Project