Creating a Group With
the Two Clips.
3. Set up Follow Actions for the rst clip. You will want to make Follow Action Time
equal to the clip's length. Set the Follow Action A chooser to Play Next Clip,
with a Chance setting of 1, leaving Follow Action B alone. Now this clip is set
up to advance to the looping clip after it plays.
4. Activate the Loop switch for the second clip.
The rst clip will now proceed to the second after it has played in its entirety; the second
clip will simply play in a loop until it is stopped.
Creating Cycles
One of the most obvious possibilities that Follow Actions open up is using a group of
samples to form a musical cycle. If we organize several clips as a group and use the Play
Next Clip Follow Action with each clip, they will play one after the other ad in nitum, or
until we tell them to stop.
Cycles can be peppered with occasional rearrangements through the addition of other
Follow Actions, such as Play Any Clip, with smaller relative Chance settings.
Temporarily Looping Clips
There are some interesting applications of Follow Actions when it comes to creating tem-
porary musical loops.