Track Delays
A Track Delay control is available for every track in Live. The control allows delaying or pre-
delaying the output of tracks in milliseconds in order to compensate for human, acoustic,
hardware and other real-world delays.
This section of the interface can be shown or hidden using its respective Mixer Section
The Track Delay Control
and Selector.
We do not recommend changing track delays on stage, as it could result in undesirable
clicks or pops in the audio signal. Micro-offsets in Session View clips can be achieved using
nudge buttons in the Clip View
, however track delays can be used in the Arrangement
View for such offsets.
Note that
delay compensation for plug-ins and Live devices
is a separate feature, and is
automatic by default. Unusually high Track Delay settings or reported latencies from plug-
ins may cause noticeable sluggishness in the software. If you are having latency-related
dif culties while recording and playing back instruments, you may want to try turning off
device delay compensation, however this is not normally recommended. You may also nd
that adjusting the individual track delays is useful in these cases. Note that the Track Delay
controls are unavailable when device delay compensation is deactivated.