IM 704510-01E
15.4 Block Sampling
Selectable range of the
• Time stamp mode
number of blocks
• When the arming source is EXT and the rest mode is OFF or when the arming source is AUTO
and the rest mode is event or time: 2 to 250
• When the arming source is AUTO and the rest mode is OFF: 2 to 1000
• When in hardware histogram mode: 2 to 1000
The total sample size of all blocks is within the maximum sampling size (see page 15-1).
Block rest mode
Select from OFF, Time, and Event
Selectable range of the
s to 1 s (resolution: 100 ns, accuracy:
200 ns)
block rest time
Selectable range of the
1 to 10
(resolution: 1, rest time: 500 ns or more, frequency of event occurrence: 50 MHz or less,
block rest event size
1 event)
Restriction on use
Cannot be specified when using the dual measurement function
, external gate, or when in inter-
symbol interference analysis mode. When the rest mode is set to event or time, external arming
(EXT) cannot be used.
*1 Period, A-to-B time interval, or pulse width measurement.
*2 Period A & period B, period A & A-to-B time interval, pulse width A & A-to-B time interval, or pulse width A & pulse width B
15.5 Inter-symbol Interference Analysis Function
Function used to extract the data around the spaces and marks of the specified condition, display
the histogram, and calculate statistics.
Measurement Function
Pulse width, pulse width A
A-to-B time interval, pulse width A
pulse width B
(Inhibit function cannot be used when using the dual measurement function
Minimum input pulse width 10 ns (pulse width B is 20 ns)
Data extraction mode
Select from Single, Combination and Between
Data extraction condition
Select from nT, nT to maxT, and minT to nT (n: arbitrary value between 1 and 16)
Select mark or space
Select the analysis data with respect to the trigger from Prev., Middle, Next, or Both
Missed sampling fill
Function used to fill the dropouts in sampling when using the dual measurement function
Maximum number of dropout samples that can be filled: 256
Conditions for filling the samples: When the dropout sampling interval is 100 ns or more
Sync function
Turn ON/OFF the function which starts the analysis from where the symbol search function found
the desired symbol
*1 Pulse width A
A-to-B time interval or pulse width A
pulse width B measurement
15.6 Display
• Display size: 6.4 inches
• Display resolution: 640 (H)
480 (V) dots
• Display defect: 0.01% or less with respect to all the display dots
Display format
• When in time stamp mode:
Select from histogram, list, time variation, and statistics displays
• When in hardware histogram mode
Select from histogram, list, and statistics displays
• When in inter-symbol interference analysis mode
Select histogram or list
Selection of the item to be analyzed when using the dual measurement function
• MEAS1: Displays the measurement result of measurement function 1
• MEAS2: Displays the measurement result of measurement function 2
*1 Period A & period B, period A & A-to-B time interval, pulse width A & A-to-B time interval, pulse width A & pulse width B,
pulse width A
A-to-B time interval, or pulse width A
pulse width B measurement.