4. Measure the inside diameter of each cylinder
bore with a bore gauge (
Figure 33
). Replace the
brake caliper if the inside diameter of either bore
exceeds the specification in
Table 1
Table 2
5. Inspect the pistons (
Figure 34
) for scratches,
scoring or other damage. If they are rusty or cor-
roded, replace the pistons.
6. Inspect the caliper body for scratches or other signs
of damage. Replace the caliper assembly if necessary.
7. Inspect the pad spring(s) (
Figure 23
and A,
ure 35
for the front caliper, and
Figure 36
for the
rear caliper). Replace a spring if it is cracked, worn
or shows signs of fatigue.
8. On front brake calipers, perform the following:
a. Remove the pad springs (A,
Figure 35
) from
the pad holder if they have not been removed,
and inspect the springs. Replace both pad
springs if either one is cracked, worn or
shows signs of fatigue.
b. Inspect the pad holder (B,
Figure 35
) for
cracks or other signs of damage. Replace the
caliper assembly if necessary.
c. Inspect the boots (C,
Figure 35
) in the pad
holder. Replace a boot that is torn or hard.
9. Inspect the mounting bolt holes (D,
Figure 35
on the pad holder. If they are worn or damaged, re-
place the caliper assembly and inspect the bolt holes
on the fork leg.
10. Remove the bleed valve from the caliper body.
Apply compressed air to the opening and make sure
it is clear. If necessary, clean out the bleed valve
with fresh brake fluid. Install the bleed valve fin-
ger-tight. It will be torqued to specification during
brake bleeding.
11. Inspect the fluid opening in the base of each
cylinder bore. Apply compressed air to the opening
and make sure it is clear. Clean out the opening with
fresh brake fluid if necessary.
12. Inspect the threads of the banjo bolt and the re-
taining bolt for wear or damage. Clean up any minor
thread damage. Replace the bolts and the caliper as-
sembly if necessary.
Cover the fuel tank and front fender
with a heavy cloth or plastic tarp to
protect them from brake fluid spills.