vides longer component life and delivers a strong,
reliable spark throughout the entire range of engine
speed. Ignition timing and advance are maintained
without adjustment. Ignition timing procedures
given in Chapter Three can be used to determine if
the ignition system is operating properly.
When the crankshaft driven flywheel passes the
pickup coil, an electrical pulse is generated within
the pickup coil. This pulse flows to the switching
and distribution circuits in the ignitor unit. The
ignitor unit interrupts current flow through the igni-
tion coil and the magnetic field within the coil col-
lapses. This induces a very high voltage in the sec-
ondary windings of the ignition coil. This voltage is
sufficient to jump the gap at the spark plugs.
Refer to Chapter Two.
The ignition system is designed to operate only
when the sidestand is up or when the transmission is
in neutral. If there is a no-spark condition, check the
1. Dowel
2. Gasket
3. Wire clamp
4. Stator/pickup coil assembly
5. Stator mounting bolt
6. Alternator cover
7. Alternator cover bolt