280 N. MIDLAND AVE., STE. 258, SADDLE BROOK, NJ 07663 TEL: 201-794-7650 FAX: 201-794-0913
TECH-477/D.W.O. 21424
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states of quality: Good, Uncertain and Bad.
Valve/Actuator Data
Valve Manufacturer: Name of the valve manufacturer.
Actuator Manufacturer: Name of the actuator manufacturer.
Valve Type: Type of valve movement (rotary or linear). It has the
following options:
- Rotary moving valve;
- Linear moving valve.
Actuator Type: Type of actuator. It has the following options:
- Electro-pneumatic;
- Electric;
- Electro-hydraulic;
- Others.
Actuator Action: Fail-Safe position for power-loss of the actuator
regarding the valve position. It has the following
- Not initialized;
- Opening (100%);
- Closing (0%);
- None (actual position).
Valve Serial Number: Serial number of the valve belonging to the
positioner or the electronic device.
Actuator Serial Number: Serial number of the actuator belonging to the
positioner or the electronic device.
Position Unit: Engineering unit for the position, defined in the
AO.PV_SCALE parameter.
Working SP: Process variable from the analog output block after
characterization, FLOP and reverse acting
Working Position: Hall sensor value in engineering unit defined in the
Position: The result of reverse characterization of the
WORKING_POSITION parameter value.
Feedback Source: Select which position value will be copy to
FEEDBACK_VALUE parameter. The available
sources are the Working Position and Position.
Display Mode: If set to “OFF”, the LCD shows the setpoint and the
position as % open, if “ON”, as % closed.
Control Mode: Set if the servo PID will acting directly to the
setpoint or if it will acting reverse. In the reverse
mode increasing the setpoint will close the valve.
The options available are:
- Increase to Open
- Increase to Close