280 N. MIDLAND AVE., STE. 258, SADDLE BROOK, NJ 07663 TEL: 201-794-7650 FAX: 201-794-0913
TECH-477/D.W.O. 21424
Page 122 of 206 Transducer Block Parameters
Min. Travel time
Min. Travel Time Close: Time interval from opened to closed positions
registered during the last calibration.
Min. Travel Time Open: Time interval from closed to opened positions
registered during the last calibration.
Linearization Table
Min Number of Coordinates: Informs the minimal number of coordinates
supported by the device.
Max Number of Coordinates: Informs the maximum number of coordinates
supported by the device.
Number of Coordinates: The actual number of coordinates currently stored in
the device. Change this parameter to the intended
number of coordinates before setting up a new
Deadband: Valve position dead band in general used as dead
band for the travel alert, setpoint deviation alert,
LCD position filter, close position deviation alert and
full stroke time measurement.
Calibration Date: Date of the device’s last calibration. This value will
change after a successful calibration.
Flow Type: Set the type of set point characterization curve. The
following options are available:
: the analog output setpoint from the analog output is
set directly to the servo PID setpoint;
Equal Percentage
: the analog output setpoint is used as a
parameter for the equal percentage function to set the servo
PID setpoint;
Quick Opening
: the analog output setpoint is used as a
parameter for the quick opening function to set the servo PID
User defined (table):
the analog output setpoint is
characterized using a table defined by the user to set the
servo PID setpoint. (
See the Characterization Curve section to
get details how to enter this table).
Nominal Valve Stroke/Angle: Nominal stroke of the valve in units of OUT_SCALE.