Absolute Pathname to Directory box, 28
Action taken on busy File, 518
Activate class, 65
Active job, 253
Activity monitor
copy job information, 256
delete completed jobs, 255
detailed job status, 256
disable job logging, 484
job list definitions, 252
kill uncompleted jobs, 255
print job information, 256
save job information, 255
select server to monitor, 252
starting, 247
window description, 247
catalog backup file paths, 184
classes, 54
clients to class, 74
paths to file list, 75
schedules, 101
storage unit
disk type, 25
media manager type, 21
NDMP type, 13
Administration client, 196
Administrator, definition, xxvii
Administrator-defined streaming mode,
AFS class type, 59
All log entries report, 277
ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES, file list directive,
Allow block level incrementals, 478
Allow flashbackup, 478
Allow media overwrite, 482
Allow multiple data streams
file-list directives, 94
set class attribute, 70
tuning, 72
when to use, 71
Allow multiple retentions per media, 483
Allow NDMP, 478
Allow non-reserved ports, 469
Allow split-mirror, 478
Alternate client restores
allowing, 210
definition, 521
host.xlate file, 425
server directed, 451
Alternate path restore
definition, 522
server directed, 451
Alternate target restore
definition, 521
Announce DHCP interval, 512
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT