NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server
writes its activity log information to the
directory. You can use the information
in this directory for troubleshooting.
The output of
goes to standard output.
This command requires administrator privileges.
Report-type options
Specifies that the listing reports on removable media satisfying a set
of criteria. If
is not present, the report is on images, not
media, satisfying a set of criteria.
Report-format options:
Report in User mode. The report is formatted, it includes a banner
listing the column titles, and the status is a descriptive term instead
of a number.
Report in Long mode. For instance, for the Media List report, the
report lists the information for each media ID as a series of attribute
= value pairs, and the density value is provided as both a
descriptive term and a number.
Report in Short mode. This produces a terse listing. This option is
useful for scripts or programs that rework the listing contents into a
customized report format.
Produce an abbreviated listing. For an image listing, the listing
contains the creation time, backup ID, and schedule type of each
image. For instance, if the listing criterion is a window of time
image listing contains, for each image created in this window, only
the creation time, backup ID, and schedule type of the image.
For a media listing, the listing contains only the applicable media
IDs. For instance, if the listing criterion is a window of time, the
listing contains only the media Ids written in this window.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT