Managing NetBackup
Importing Backup Images
NetBackup can import backups that are expired or are from another
NetBackup server. During an import operation, NetBackup recreates database
entries for the backups that are on the imported volume. This option is useful
for moving volumes from one site to another and also for recreating database
entries for expired backups.
The expiration date for the imported items will be the current date plus the
retention period. For example, if a backup is imported on November 14, 1999
and its retention period is one week, its new expiration date is on November
21, 1999.
Notes About Importing Backup Images
• The media contents and image list reports contain entries for the duplicates.
• NetBackup does not direct backups to imported volumes.
• To import from a volume that has the same media ID as an existing volume
(for example A00001) on this server, first duplicate the existing volume to
another media ID (for example, B00001). Then, remove information about
the existing media ID (in this example, A00001) from the NetBackup
database by executing the following command:
\NetBackup\admincmd\bin\bpexpdate -d 0 -ev
media ID
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT