NetBackup Properties
• On Windows NT, 98, and 95 systems:
Where install_path is the directory where NetBackup is installed and by
default is
• On UNIX systems:
• On Macintosh systems:
:System Folder:Extensions:
If it is necessary to change the setting, select the check box and specify the new
UNIX Client Tab
The UNIX Client properties tab defines a list of file extensions that NetBackup
uses to determine files to not compress on UNIX clients. During a backup,
NetBackup assumes that files with these extensions are already in a
compressed format and does not attempt to compress them. The following
topics explain the settings on this tab.
Shows the NetBackup servers that were selected when the dialog box was
Shows the extensions that cannot be compressed on the clients that were
selected when you opened this dialog box.
Add to the Lists
Specifies file extensions to add. Files with these extensions are not compressed.
To add a suffix, type it in the box and click the + button. Use commas or spaces
to separate multiple extensions. You cannot use wildcards when specifying
extensions. For example, you can specify
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT