NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server
Names the class to search to produce the list. If not specified, all
classes are searched.
Recursively lists subdirectories encountered to a depth of n. The
default for n is 999.
Specifies an alternate date and time to be used for printing with the
displays the backup date and time of each file.
displays the last modification date and time for each file.
displays the last access date and time of each file.
The default is to display the time of last modification of each file.
Shows file details.
Lists disk images that were backed up. The default is to list file
Lists directories in true-image backups. The default is to list
non-true-image backups.
Lists the files and directories in UNIX format. For example:
Lists the files and directories in Windows NT format. For example:
mm/dd/yy [hh:mm:ss]
mm/dd/yy [hh:mm:ss]
Specifies the start and end date range for the listing.
specifies a start date and time for the listing. The resulting list
shows only files in backups or archives that occurred at or after the
specified date and time. Use the following format for the start date
and time:
mm/dd/yy [hh[:mm[:ss]]]
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT