Managing NetBackup
• Multiplex format and retain the multiplex format on the duplicate. The
duplicate can contain all or any subset of the backups that were included in
the original multiplexed group. This is done with a single pass of the tape.
(multiplexed group is a set of backups that were multiplexed together
during a single multiplexing session.)
You cannot:
• Create a copy while the backup is being created
• Duplicate a backup when its retention period has expired
• Use the NetBackup scheduler to automatically schedule duplications
• Duplicate a backup of the NetBackup databases
• Create a multiplexed duplicate of the following:
• Auspex FastBackup
• Flashbackup
• NDMP backup
• Backups from disk type storage units
• Backups to disk type storage units
• Nonmultiplexed backups
Do not use the duplicate feature while a NetBackup catalog backup is
running. This results in the catalog backup not having information about the
The duplicate operation requires a minimum of two drives: one to read the
original and another on which to create the copy. NetBackup does not verify in
advance whether the storage units and drives required for the duplicate
operation are available for use, only that the destination storage unit exists.
By default, duplication is done serially and attempts to minimize media
mounts and positioning time. Only one backup is processed at a time. If
multiplex duplication is enabled, NetBackup first duplicates all backups that
cannot be multiplex duplicated (see list above). Then, multiplexed backups are
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT