Q7 Installation and Operation Manual
Encoder Loss, 148
E-Off, 148
Equipment Inspection, 3
Explosion Hazard Symbol, 2
Extender Cables, 29
F, 19, 20
Fault, 144
Faults, 144
Feedback Settings, 39
Ferraz Shawmut Semiconductor fuse, 17
Filter Selection Table, 11
Fire Speed, 20, 111
FLA, 19, 21
FLA, B, and C switching relationship, 21
Flash Error, 148
FLB, 19, 21
FLC, 19, 21
FM, 19, 21
FM Output, 35
FM Terminal Assignment, 66
FP, 19, 21
Frequency Command, 35
Frequency Command screen, 32
Frequency Setting, 34
Frequency Settings, 41
Fundamental #1, 36
Fundamental #2, 36
Fuse, 148
Gate Array Error, 148
General Safety Information, 1
GND Fault, 148
I/O and Control, 19
I/O Circuit Configurations, 25
II, 19, 20
Important Notice, 2
In(put) Phase Loss, 148
Input Power, 35
Input Terminals, 35, 36, 37
Inrush Current Time, 68
Installation and Connections, 14
Installation Notes, 14
Installation Precautions, 4
Introduction, 2
Inverter (ASD) OL, 147
Keypad, 27
Keypad ASD-MTG-KIT Dimensions (mounting), 31
Keypad Features, 27
Keypad Installation Precautions, 29
Keypad Operation, 28
Keypad Remote Mounting, 29
Keypad Remote Mounting using the ASD-MTG-KIT, 30
Keypad Remote Mounting w/o the ASD-MTG-KIT, 30
Kilowatt Hours, 35
L1/R, 17
L2/S, 17
L3/T, 17
LCD Display, 27
Lead Length Specifications, 18
Light Load Conditions, 12
Linear, 45
Load Drooping, 148
Load End OC, 148
Load-produced Negative Torque, 12
Local mode, 27
Local/Remote Key, 27
Local/Run/Manual System Status LEDs, 27
Lug Size, 159
Main EEPROM Err, 148
Main Undervolts, 148
Maintenance Precautions, 8
Manual’s Purpose and Scope, 1
Menu Items, 36
menu mapping, 34
Menu Options, 34
Mode 1/2 Switching Frequency, 75
MOFF, 145
Monitor, 42
Monitor Mode, 35
Monitor Screen, 42
Monitored Parameters, 42