Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Monitor Mode
The Monitor mode allows for the monitoring of motor performance variables, control settings, and
configuration data during motor operation. There are 30 items that may be monitored from this mode.
The items are listed and described below.
The Monitor parameters are read-only.
Trip Hold Frequency — If tripped, this field records the at-trip frequency. Otherwise, the current
output frequency is displayed.
Past Trip #4 — This feature reads and stores trip records and is the first of four recorded trips.
Past Trip #3 — This feature reads and stores trip records.
Past Trip #2 — This feature reads and stores trip records.
Past Trip #1 — This feature reads and stores trip records and is the last of four recorded trips.
Trip Code— If tripped, this field displays the trip code (e.g., E-Stop). If not tripped No Error is
AM Output— Displays the AM output as a percentage of its full range.
FM Output — Displays the FM output as a percentage of its full range.
RX2 Input — Displays the RX2 input as a percentage of its full range.
RX Input — Displays the RX input as a percentage of its full range.
*VI/II Input — Displays the VI/II input as a percentage of the full range of the VI/II value.
The VI/II input represents two analog inputs (and terminals). The VI input terminal is
used for a 0 – 10 VDC analog signal and the II input terminal is used for current loop
applications, such as with a 4-20 mA signal. Either may be used as a frequency or
torque command source; however, the two cannot function simultaneously.
Throughout this manual they will be listed as VI/II.
RR Input — Displays the RR input as a percentage of its full range.
Direction — Displays the Forward/Reverse status.
Peak Current — Shows the highest current level achieved since the last startup or reset. This value is
displayed as a percentage of the full rating of the ASD or as an amperage (see
Kilowatt Hours — Displays accumulated Kilowatt hours. Saved at 2-hour intervals.
Output Power — Shows the instantaneous output power level of the ASD.
Input Power — Shows the instantaneous input power level to the ASD.
ASD Load — Shows the instantaneous load placed on the ASD.
Motor Load — Shows the instantaneous motor load requirements.
ASD Overload Ratio — Displays the relationship of time to the magnitude of the ASD overload as a
ratio. A higher overload means a shorter run-time in this condition.
Motor Overload Ratio — Displays the relationship of time to the magnitude of the motor overload
as a ratio. A higher overload means a shorter run-time in this condition.
PID Feedback — Displays the instantaneous PID feedback value.
Post Compensation Frequency — Displays the output frequency of the ASD after the application of
the waveform adjustment compensation for changes in the input voltage.
Run Time — Displays the accumulated run-time since the last reset or power up of the ASD.
Output Terminals — Shows the active discrete output terminals.
Input Terminals — Shows the active discrete input terminals.
Output Voltage — Shows the instantaneous output voltage as a percentage of the rating of the ASD
or as a voltage (see
Units for Voltage and Current on pg. 125
DC Voltage — Shows the instantaneous DC bus voltage as a percentage of the rating of the ASD or
as a voltage (see
Units for Voltage and Current on pg. 125
Output Current — Shows the instantaneous output current as a percentage of the rating of the ASD
or as a current (see
Units for Voltage and Current on pg. 125
Frequency Command — Displays the current frequency command.