Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Overvoltage Stall Level (2)
OvrVolt Level 2
This parameter sets the upper DC bus voltage threshold that, once exceeded,
will cause an Overvoltage Stall. An Overvoltage Stall increases the output
frequency of the ASD during deceleration for a specified time in an attempt to
prevent an Overvoltage Trip.
If the overvoltage condition persists for over 4 mS, an Overvoltage Trip will
be incurred.
Note: This feature may increase deceleration times.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.0
Maximum — 250.0
Units — %
Overvoltage Stall Level (fast)
OvrVolt Level 1
This parameter sets the upper DC bus voltage threshold that, once exceeded,
will cause an Overvoltage Stall. An Overvoltage Stall increases the output
frequency of the ASD during deceleration for a specified time in an attempt to
prevent an Overvoltage Trip.
If the overvoltage condition persists for over 250 µ S, an Overvoltage Trip will
be incurred.
Note: This feature may increase deceleration times.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.00
Maximum — 250.0
Units — %
Panel Acc/Dec Select
Panel Control
Pnl Acc/Dec Sel
This parameter is used to select 1 of 4 accel/decel profiles that may be
configured and run. Each accel/decel profile is comprised of 3 user settings:
Acceleration, Deceleration, and Pattern.
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Accel/Decel #1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Direction
Panel Control
Panel Direction
This parameter sets the motor direction while operating from the keypad.
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Forward
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Lockout
Utility Group
Panel Lockout
This parameter disables the selected keypad function.
Allow All Keys
Allow Emergency Off Only
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Allow All Keys
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel PID Control
Panel Control
Panel PID Ctrl
Enables/Disables PID control while operating from the keypad.
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — Yes